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"The movement for aesthetic fulfillment."
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HAPPY 4/20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sahra Indio “Jah Fire”

To all the weed smokers out there: HAPPY 4/20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Preeti’s Purpose family supports the legalization of marijuana.  And this auspicious holiday is a worldwide reminder that weed smokers exist and are fighting for their rights.  One day, instead of using code and hiding in the shadows, we will all be able to light up a blunt just as easily as drinkers guzzle down a beer.  The prohibition of alcohol was fought by the masses and brought down.  Great organizations such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Legislation (NORML) are working to revise legislation and finally change the classification of marijuana.  To learn more about Philly NORML check out the open meeting on 4/21.

Visit Philadelphia Weekly to find out about local Philly 4/20 events.  One awesome event to check out is the Rasta Reality International all-day/night celebration today in West Philadelphia (view details at PW).

Check out the Preeti’s Purpose Youtube Channel for our “Tokin’ Tunes” playlist.  Just some music to kick off your celebration.  Have a fun and safe holiday (please smoke and drive responsibly).  And always remember: Puff, Puff, Pass.


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